Sample_ with a directory /home/codebind/sample_dir or The terminal command below will create a. f, -file ARCHIVE– use archive file or device ARCHIVEĬreate tar.gz or tgz Archive File by Compressing an Directory or a Single File x, -extract, -get– extract files from an archive Here’s what those flags (-cvf) actually mean Sample_dir.tar with a directory /home/codebind/sample_dir or

Tar optional Flags tar Ĭreate tar Archive File by Compressing an Directory or a Single File

System administrators uses tarĬommand frequently to rip a bunch of files or directories into highlyĬompressed archive which are called tarball or tar, bzip and If we does not use option -d the file will be extracted to presentĪnd if the zip file is password protected we can also use -P. Use the following command to achieve the above described scenario sudo unzip path/filename.zip -d another_path_or_same_path OPTION 2 – If the zip file is not present in the same directory and we want to extract/unzip the file in different directory. Please make sure you use -P (capital P) not -p because the are If the zip file is protected with some password, then use theįollowing command : sudo ubzip -P zip_file_name.zip Use the following command to achieve the above described scenario sudo unzip zip_file_name.zip OPTION 1 – If the Zip File is in the same directory/folder in which your terminal is and we want to extract it in the present Run the following command to install unzip sudo apt-get install unzip unzip command is used to extract files from a So First of all we need to install unzip on our system if it’s not installed.